sunnuntai 8. tammikuuta 2012

Life is a Game. The game layer on top of the world.

Seth Priebatsch suggests on the video below that gaming is the word for this decade, especially in internet. And that is probably quite close to truth. Many of the old systems are evolving and there will be a lot of huge changes in some foundational institutes like the educational systems for instance. Not a bad idea to get more motivation on students by putting some "professional" gaming perspective on things. Some believe life is a game, and in many ways it certaily is. School is a game, love is a game, success is a game, business is a game, friendship is a game, and so on. How well are you playing? Did you read the rules or did you make them by your self? well, you have about 60-80 years time to "level up" ;-)

Posted via email from Instant Happiness Blog